Just a glimpse from a wonderful day on Saturday. This was right after Erin & Will saw each other for the first time on their wedding day. So blessed to capture these amazing moments! xx
Watching Marie Forleo’s interview with Steven Pressfield inspired me to write this post, but it’s something I’ve thought about frequently for a while now. For the past few weeks, I’ve been ‘getting ready’ for work. For me, this means putting on makeup, dressing like a pro, and sometimes even heels. Okay this might be crazy […]
My perfect Saturday. Wake up early (never been a massive fan of sleeping in!) Long leisurely breakfast with Sam. Head to the local farmers market for coffee and buy a few delicious supplies before heading out of the city. Road trip for a few hours to a place that we’ve never been to before. Lots of stops […]
Happy November! Okay so we are already a week in…wow. This last few weeks have been relatively free for me, which normally does send me into a little panic – but just looking at next month (which will be crazy busy…) makes me slow down, and feel okay about slowing down. I have a […]
Planted with Light included a combination of things relating to running a wedding photography business. Most of the day was spent going over business and marketing related topics, but I also wanted to include a shoot with a ‘real’ couple (not models) to show the attendees how I interact with my couples, and get the […]