Happy November! Okay so we are already a week in…wow. This last few weeks have been relatively free for me, which normally does send me into a little panic – but just looking at next month (which will be crazy busy…) makes me slow down, and feel okay about slowing down. I have a quote just above my computer that is a picture of driveway lined with trees and the words ‘Just Breathe’ in the middle. I don’t know about you (maybe this is silly to admit) but lots of the time during the day, I find myself holding my breath! I have no idea why, but when I glance up and see the quote…my shoulders relax. And I remember to breathe. Rather than filling up this small window of free time with things that will ultimately stress me out, I am slowly learning to pace myself, clear my head, only work on one thing at a time, not allowing my ideas to stay in my head – but getting it all out on paper, and putting realistic deadlines on things that need to be done.
November 2012
I’m excited to be photographing 2 weddings in Melbourne this month, one here and one here. I can’t wait to explore Victoria further! I’ve recently joined a women’s gym on a trial membership and last week went to Pump class, which has honestly killed my legs! You don’t want to see me hobbling around right now, not pretty. But I am loving the classes, so I’m excited to spend a bit more time there this month. At the end of November we are off to Singapore and Malaysia! I am photographing a wedding in Malaysia (which I am SO excited for…) at the start of next month. Sam is coming with me, so we are also having a bit of a holiday too. I’m just hoping that this will arrive in time before we go!
New galleries on the website, tweak the design slightly.
Revise wedding client systems.
Albums! If there are any of my lovely couples reading this post, tomorrow is the last day to approve your album if you want it in your hot hands before Christmas!!
Update blogging calender.
Remember to breathe! Definitely important.
Have an amazing time in Singapore and Malaysia!
Get rid of the noise. This means only checking social media twice a day and not getting distracted.
Buy Christmas presents! Any online shopping sites worth checking out??
I hope you have an amazing rest of the month…and make sure you remember to……………..
You are so good at this goal setting thing…. I really should follow your lead!!
It’s great to set the goals on the internet too!! Great motivation to actually complete things xx