Watching Marie Forleo’s interview with Steven Pressfield inspired me to write this post, but it’s something I’ve thought about frequently for a while now. For the past few weeks, I’ve been ‘getting ready’ for work. For me, this means putting on makeup, dressing like a pro, and sometimes even heels. Okay this might be crazy to admit this…I mean I work from home! Shouldn’t that give me permission to work in my trackies, or even my PJ’s? Lots of the time, the only person I see all day is Sam! For me, it’s as simple as SHOWING UP. I don’t feel ready to put in the hard work when I dress sloppily. I’ve noticed that when I don’t bother with what I wear, or how I look, it directly effects my commitment and productivity level during the day.
But outside appearances aren’t ultimately what matters. The difference between a amateur and a pro is making that switch in your mind. It’s about your habits.
Though I don’t always succeed, I’ve fully committed to turning PRO in my business. For me this means getting rid of amateur habits such a checking Facebook/emails/blogs frequently throughout the day. It means making a plan for my day -before I even turn on my computer- and sticking to it. Setting time limits for tasks. And ultimately, being CONSISTENT. I’m the boss in my business, and if I don’t turn up…who will? Luckily I adore and love what I do, but it’s not always easy to be so self disciplined when the only person holding you accountable is yourself. But think about it…if you had people working for you, would you want them checking Facebook and not using their time wisely? Absolutely not.
Today, for a lot of things, the barrier of entry is so low. So the real challenge then becomes your ability to keep going, to be consistant, and ultimately separate yourself from amateurs. Success will come over time, but for now make the switch in your mind and commit to habits of a professional!
Because every post needs a picture… I think my productivity levels would definitely improve with this pretty office… Or maybe I’m just getting distracted by more shiny objects….? xx

Great blog Kate… I did see the Marie Forleo email in my inbox (about this interview you refer to) but havent had a look at it yet. You’ve inspired me to set aside some time today and watch it… And i think I need it, especially as I saw the promo for this blog via Facebook! One habit i need to break – or at least cut down on!
I thought that was your office till I read the last bit! Great blog post! Thanks for sharing, and I am MEGA jealous of whoever’s office that is! It is the ultimate!!! :)