We are currently less than 3 weeks away from packing up our life in Melbourne! The scariest thing is – we need to fit most of our belongings into about 4 bags. If you didn’t read our exciting announcement last week, my husband and I are moving to the US(!) early next year, for one […]
It can be difficult to know what to wear at weddings as a wedding photographer. When I’m in a shop looking for new dresses, here is what’s generally going through my brain, “Hmm… too short, too low, not dressy enough, too dressy, too tight, too long, too bright…” I am always on the hunt for […]
In these last few weeks as we pack up our life in Melbourne, we’ve had a lot of NZ visitors! My sister and her boyfriend Whetu have stayed with us in Melbourne for just over a week. Naturally, in true Melbourne style, we shopped till we dropped, and ate loads of amazing food. We also […]
Nope it’s not a baby! Did some of you think that? I feel like I’m at the age where everyone is asking me about kids haha. It’s not happening yet, but I am excited for that day to come…! Last Friday I posted a photo of my husbands thesis he has just handed in! He’s […]
Lauren & Keelan were married last Saturday in Country Victoria. When guests arrived at the winery, they were directed the short walk through the vines by handwritten chalked blackboards, to the ceremony location where Lauren and Keelan would say their vows under some beautiful huge gumtrees. I loved the dressing table re-purposed into a drinks […]