Welcome to my new blogsite!!

Jul 6

Welcome to my new blogsite!!

My Journal

I am so excited about this!! Thank you so much Jared Brandon who made my video come to life! (click on the ‘Home’ tab above to see the video) This has been a little while coming. Jared just sent me the first ever email I had sent him dated 9th February, 2010 …. “…I don’t know if you remember me… I was the photographer at Susan and Brett’s wedding! I am currently designing a website for myself and I really want to have a video on the site…I know that you are INCREDIBLY talented, I would love you to consider helping me out. I’m not sure if this is something that you could do?…” I think the part about “currently” designing a website was a little far off, I’m pretty sure I hadn’t started anything by then! I hope it hasn’t taken me that long… But after numerous emails and coffees we had a plan, we shot the video at the beginning of this year and I’m so excited to finally show you the finished result! I must admit I was SO nervous in the days leading up to shooting the video…what if I looked weird while I talked? Maybe my NZ accent will sound really funny? What if I get really nervous and don’t do a good shoot? How will I know what to talk about? etc…etc… But when it came to filming, on the day I was surrounded by people who believed in me and supported me. I felt at peace and ready. I love what Jared has created for me, he is BEYOND talented. I hope that this sparks something in photographers to do videos for their businesses, I think it’s such a powerful way to connect with your clients. So grab a coffee and have a little poke around my new blog site! From now all my blog posts will be here https://katerobinsonphotography.com/blog/ if you want to update your bookmarks or RSS feeds. xxx

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  1. ellen says:

    Hi Kate-

    Beautiful job with your site. Can we feature it on twitter and facebook tomorrow?

  2. Kate Robinson says:

    Thanks Ellen! I would love that.

  3. Kate I think you did a fabulous job!!!

  4. Maree says:

    Beautiful work Kate, love the video. x

  5. katerobinson says:

    Thanks so much Maree! xx

  6. katerobinson says:

    Thank you Kate! Can’t wait to see yours xx

  7. Kate it looks fantastic!!! yahhh for you and your uber cool new blog!!! xxx

  8. katerobinson says:

    Thank you Fe!! So lovely to hear from you! Hope you’re doing well xx PS- If you know of any cool photographers in Melbs that I should meet, please let me know ! :)