“I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.” – Julia Roberts, actress.
I noticed him for the very first time across the University hostel lounge room. I don’t know if it was the cliche ‘love at first sight’ but as soon as I saw Sam I knew. The words, ‘I’m going to marry him’ darted into my mind. ‘Wait….whaat was that…?’ I thought at the time. I was 18, and getting married was something I hadn’t really given much thought to. Fast forward 2 months, after some casual flirting, but nothing really happening…I suggested that Sam ask me out. Yes, I did that. We were talking about another ‘potential’ couple in the hostel one day, and I (just casually!) said…’do you think we would ever go out?’ Yep…THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT SAM! So, at the ripe old ages of 17 (Sam is 8 months younger than me) and 18, on Lovelock (!) Ave in Mt Eden Auckland in May 2005, we held hands for the very first time, and we were ‘officially’ a couple. My first ever present from Sam was an Evermore CD with a note, on my pillow. I received a few of these little notes throughout dating, and I still treasure all of them. Today, we have been together for 7 years, married for 4, and Sam is still the love of my life. Because we met so young, we have grown up together, we have shaped each other to the people we have become today. Sam is a constant supporter of me, but isn’t afraid to tell me the truth. He pushes me to be a better person every day, and I love our life together.
This is our story. Or some of it at least. I want to know your story!! For the Planted with Light workshop, I want to photograph a real couple who are in love. Photographing models don’t appeal to me, I want a real couple, with a real story. So, if you and your love don’t have photographs that truly represent who you are, you wouldn’t mind being the subjects for the workshop (there will be lots of cameras pointed your way), you are free on the 22nd of October (Labour Day, NZ) and are able to get yourselves to the Planted with Light workshop… I would love to hear from you! Please tell me your story, in less than 200 words, attach a current photo of you both – send to info@katerobinsonphotography.com I look forward to hearing from you! Have a beautiful week xx
Awww you two are so cute! Wow can’t believe it’s been 7 years since we were at the hostel, seems like yesterday. Love the idea of using a real couple Kate.
Kate, your love story is sweet :) I would love to share you mind, my favourite part is that my husband said before we were even a couple – ‘I know it sounds weird but I’m going to marry you one day.’ But can’t really enter your couple search as I live in Victoria so can’t make it over NZ. But I am wondering are you going to be doing your ‘Planted with Light’ workshop in Australia too???? xx