Ahhhh!!!! Where is this year going??!!! Seriously, it seems that February completely flew by and I woke up one day to find it is the middle of March! As the wedding summer ‘season’ is in it’s height, I’m feeling grateful. So blessed that I get to do this. Yes sometimes it’s overwhelming, everyday I have emails to answer, photographs to choose, edit, send, blog….the list is long at present…but I wouldn’t change anything. For most weekends at the moment I’m invited in to peoples lives. I have the absolute privilege of capturing something as momentous as their wedding day. I get to experience the excitement, nervousness, anticipation, joy, love, and every other emotion present on a wedding day. I LOVE it. I have 6 weddings this month, 4 of which I’ve already photographed. Some beautiful highlights so far…. The tears in Mike’s eyes as Rebecca walked down the aisle towards him. The excitement & laughter of Erin & her bridesmaids as Bill knocked on her door at 8am to pursue Erin, bribing the bridesmaids to let him in. The beautiful Chinese tradition of eating breakfast together before the ceremony, and an emotional tea ceremony. Jessica’s Dad’s reaction to seeing her in her wedding dress for the very first time. Riding on a helicopter over to Waiheke. James & Amber’s first look together before their ceremony, meeting under Pohutukawa trees on the beach….. There has been many highlights, I can’t wait to show you.
MARCH 2012
It’s the middle of the month and I am excited to have a break this weekend! My husband Sam is over from Melbourne and we are heading to Hahei beach in Coromandel in a few hours with some friends. I cannot wait! It is such gorgeous weather, and I’ve just been told from the owner of the bach we are renting that the water is ‘warm as toast’ hmmmmmm…. I’ll let you know how I get on!
Don’t get behind on editing!
Under promise and over deliver.
Delve into the Beloved Field Guide. I’m so excited about this!
Keep creating meaningful experiences for my couples.
Blogging….I know that posts have been a bit few and far between, but blogging is a priority so hold me to this!
Relax and spend quality time with my husband during the craziness.
Quality time with friends.
Swim at the beach. Lots. This summer (if you can call it that!) will not last much longer…hmm just realised it’s actually autumn already….so make that ‘warm weather’….!
Remember to breathe. Deeply.
It has been a full on year so far but you have just brought beauty and prettiness to it: so thank you for that Kate! :)