7 years.

Feb 17

7 years.

My Journal

View More: http://nataliefranke.pass.us/sam-kate

Sam and I had our 7 year anniversary yesterday! I can hardly believe it’s been 7 years already. I remember when we were engaged at the tender ages of 20 and 21, lots of people were confused and asked us why we wanted to get married so young! But I think when you know, you know. I had a peace in my heart about Sam ever since we met. That isn’t to say it’s always been smooth sailing! But thankfully through every challenge, we have come out of stronger, and closer as a couple.

When we were driving south for a wedding last week, we played the question game (from my previous post). My love language is words of affirmation, so I LOVED question 22: ‘Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.’

Here’s a tiny glimpse of some of the qualities I love about my husband.

– He is wise. If ever I need advice on anything, I can ask Sam.

– He is kind-hearted. Whenever someone is hurt or in pain, Sam truly cares and is so much more compassionate then I am!

– He is loyal. When Sam commits to something, he gives it his all.

– He is steadfast. Completely unwavering in his faith and commitments, this is something I constantly admire in my husband.

– He is disciplined. Nothing distracts Sam! I guess it helps that he doesn’t have ANY social media too.

Obviously nobody is perfect, but I wanted to publicly show my appreciation and gratefulness that Sam is in my life. I’m so excited for the future, and I love doing life with this guy by my side. xx

Thank you to Natalie Franke for the above photo! To see the rest from our shoot, click here!


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  1. Esther says:

    Cute guys!! I can’t believe it’s been 7 years either! Hope you had a wonderful anniversary xx