As a photographer, I record the visual history of people’s lives.
It’s such a powerful statement! I find it is so easy to get caught up with the business of photography, the different opinions, styles, new equipment, social media, comparing, the invoicing, the admin, the scheduling……and remember that beyond the day-to-day tasks and other things that fill up space in our minds… the heart of what I do is: to bring life to memories. It’s pretty simple really.
I’m so proud to be leaving a visual legacy. I know that 100 years from now, when I’m long gone, my photographers will give life to memories, they will let your great grandchildren know how much you loved one another, just by looking at your photographs. I’m leaving a visual legacy when I document the way you smile at each other, the way he looks at you, and important life events like weddings. But not just a legacy for your grandchildren, I want you to look at your photographs right now and be reminded of how much he loves you, and make you realise just how much you love him. I want your photographs to show you that.
What a privilege and responsibility! I needed to be reminded of that this week.
What do you do? Your not just a photographer, not just a nurse, not just a teacher, or doctor, or accountant. What is at the heart of what you do? When you strip away everything else away… what is left? I think it’s so powerful to remember what it is you really do, and why you think it’s important.
I give life to memories.
Pretty powerful. xx

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