Last week we were in beautiful Queensland, Brisbane & the Gold Coast. My husband had a conference in Brisbane, so we extended our time and made a holiday out of it! I loved our little break to escape winter, never mind the fact I had a terrible cough/cold the whole time….! This always seems to happen when I relax. Now that we are back in Melbourne my cold has decided to go (finally) just when I’m back in the cold! Having a cold didn’t stop us swimming in the ocean, sunbathing and going on long walks up steep mountains. I hope you have a chance to escape winter if you live in the southern hemisphere, and hopefully you wont get sick! xx
We stayed with our friends in Brisbane, we loved hanging out with their gorgeous little daughter Kate!
Beautiful Gold Coast beaches.
Haha self portrait fail…
On our way to our walk in the GC Hinterland we found this cute little fruit stand.
This was amazing! The light was hitting this tree inside and it had the most beautiful glow!
Have a wonderful week! xx

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