Pin With Purpose On Pinterest

Oct 29

Kate Robinson Pinterest

Pin With Purpose On Pinterest

My Journal

Kate Robinson Pinterest

To be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest! I absolutely love finding endless inspiration on any topic under the sun, and I love the ability to organise your pins into different boards. It’s an amazing tool, when used correctly. If I don’t use Pinterest with a purpose, it’s can be a huge time suck! It’s a bit like turning into Alice down the rabbit hole of Wonderland. One minute you are searching for inspiration for a recipe, and suddenly an hour (or 3) later you’re looking at beautiful houses and holiday destinations, and wonder where that time went!

To use Pinterest wisely and intentionally, I think it’s important to Pin with a purpose.

1) Have a purpose BEFORE you open up Pinterest. Know what you want to achieve, and search specific keywords that relate to what you want to find.

2) Set yourself a time limit! It’s so easy to get distracted by all the pretty things on Pinterest, but if you use it as a tool, you control it…not the other way around.

3) Organise your boards! Don’t put everything into one board. For example, if you are pining things for your wedding, instead of pining everything to one board, you could separate your pins into boards labelled, ‘Dress inspiration’, ‘Hair Inspiration’, ‘Cakes’, ‘Bouquet inspiration’ etc! It will be much easier to find and navigate your inspiration this way.

4) Follow blogs with styles you love! For example, if I don’t have a specific thing in mind of what I want to search for on Pinterest, I will search picture dominated blogs like, The Every Girl, Made From Scratch, Style Me Pretty, or Magnolia Rouge on Pinterest. This is another great way to narrow your search, and avoid overwhelm!

I really want to use Pinterest more! In the past, I have completely avoided it because quite honestly, I’ve been afraid of it! Afraid that I will be spinning out of control down the preverbial rabbit hole. But I know that following the above steps has saved me from overwhelm in Pinterest, to use it in the most effective, most intentional way.

Below is one of my favourite boards, my LIFE VISION board. Click HERE to visit my Pinterest page, and happy pining! xx

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