Oh hello there! I think this is probably the longest time I have left between posts. I’m excited to blow away the cobwebs today for a fresh start!
My sweet baby Ava turns 1 TODAY. I’m such a cliche but seriously, HOW.DID.THAT.HAPPEN?!
It’s been a year of insurmountable highs, lows, tears of frustration, tears of joy. It’s hard to accurately describe how much motherhood has shaped and moulded me. My new motto is, ‘Grace, Not Perfection.’ Ava has taught us the true meaning of grace, unconditional love, and the importance of family and community.
To my precious baby doll:
We have both grown and learnt so much over the year. I think you might have taught me more than I’ve taught you.
When you looked at me for the first time, I learned the meaning of unconditional love.
When the doctors told us you had a heart murmur, we learned to trust God with every ounce of our being. Praise God, everything was fine!
When you didn’t like breast feeding, I learned perseverance.
When you gave up breast feeding early than I had expected, I learned to give myself grace.
When we decided to sleep train; we learned true dedication and commitment.
You learned to sit up and roll over, and I learned to not scream with excitement because that gave you a fright.
You learned to crawl; I learned patience as I picked up the trail of destruction you left in your path.
Your eyes light up in awe of the clouds, the wind moving through the trees, and I learned to see the world through your eyes.
When you can spot the tiniest bug on the window, and you chuckle at dogs; I learned that you love animals and you have your Dad’s curiosity for wildlife.
You and I will have many more years of learning together, I’m so excited for what the future holds! You will learn so much more in life, and I will learn how to support you every step of the way.
We did it. We survived the first year! Thank you Miss Ava for bringing so much joy to our lives. You’re a wonderful blessing. Happy first birthday my sweetheart.
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