Tom’s Birth Story
Our second babe Tom arrived into the world just over 2 weeks ago, and our hearts have expanded with so much love for our precious son.
When we found out we were having a boy, I have to admit I was nervous. Coming from a family of 4 girls, I have no experience with boys really, but I was so excited and blessed to have a boy and a girl.
Tom took his sweet time arriving. I was originally told my due date was the 17th of August, and then at the 20 week scan the sonographer told us he was measuring for the 11th of August – but still the official due date was kept at the 17th – thank goodness, because he arrived on the 27th! 10 days past due date.
The hospital rang to schedule an induction for 10 days over, as much as I wanted this baby out being super huge and over being pregnant, I was really nervous about getting induced and didn’t want to be. We tried all the things to bring on labour – walking, jumping, spicy food, reflexology massage, clary sage essential oil… nothing worked.
I had resigned myself to the fact I was going to be induced, but the night before my scheduled induction, I noticed I was getting regular cramps when I got into bed. But I ended up sleeping the entire night so I didn’t think much of it. Turns out it was signs of early labour we were all praying for!
We had to leave for the hospital at 8.30am. Just after I’d eaten a huge brekkie of bacon & eggs and drank my coffee, my water broke in the kitchen while I was chatting to my sister – and labour started in full force at 7.20am. ONE HOUR before we needed to leave for the induction!
I’m so thankful to have gone into labour naturally – even if he left it to the absolute last moment!
6 hours after my water broke, Thomas Marlo Robinson was born. Those 6 hours were so hard and intense. I didn’t have the mental strength that I had with my 19 hour labour with Ava. There is no way of knowing how long labour will last, but I remember thinking ‘I can’t do this for 19 hours!’.
I used the gas which was good but didn’t really help too much with the pain. I think it just took my mind off it a bit. I ended up asking for an epidural, because I thought there is no way I can do this for much longer! The pain was incredibly intense and there wasn’t much of a break between contractions.
The midwife knew I was going to have a quick labour, but she put me on the list for an epidural. Turns out I was in transition, and ready to push so it was too late to get one – and I’m glad that I was able to give birth without it.
After about an hour(?) of pushing, he arrived and what a relief! He was a beautiful big boy, weighing in at 4.052kg (8lb 14oz) and his skin was peeling because he was so overcooked. When he was on my chest I just had the most amazing rush of overwhelming love for him. It’s hard to describe, but it’s the best feeling ever. Birth is so intense, but at the end you have the most beautiful gift – fresh from heaven.
I have to mention how amazing the midwives at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane were. I had the calmest midwife for birth, and the care I received in recovery was gracious, kind and so supportive. I couldn’t have asked for anything better! We had a private room at the hospital, and ended up staying 3 nights. We had room service, midwifes and lactation consultants on hand, I even had someone come in and give me a foot massage!
When Ava met Tom I was so emotional. She was so sweet with him, and continues to love him with curiosity and gentleness. Long may it last! Adjusting to life with 2 under 2 hasn’t been easy, but I’m determined to keep positive, rest when I need to, and enjoy and soak up this precious time as much as I can.
I hope this post made sense. I’m running on 4 hours sleep most nights, so apologies for any typos! x
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