One of my absolute favorite things to do is go exploring… I love discovering new places, especially if they have potential to be amazing photo shoot locations! Sam and I went exploring last Sunday afternoon with a picnic in tow – fresh bakery bread, dips and donuts…the latter of which I regretted (my eyes being too big for my stomach again…)! We discovered Steele Creek Reserve just a short walk from where we live. I would LOVE to do a photo shoot here, it has the appearance of being in the middle of nowhere, yet it’s actually right by a main road (not that you would guess that!). I loved the long straw-like grass, the carved out paths, the gumtrees, the beautiful light filtering through the trees…the old bridge….I could go on. It’s incredible what you can find in your backyard if you’re willing to take the time to explore.
^ We found some weird caterpillars migrating in a clump over the path…^

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