Wow. So much has happened since we arrived in the States almost 2 years ago!
When we arrived in Salt Lake City in April 2015, we knew absolutely no one, we didn’t have a car (truthfully, I was pretty terrified to drive on the other side of the road), and I was approximately 13 weeks pregnant! Fun times.
Fast forward nearly 2 years and we have a beautiful 15 month old girl, precious friends who have become like family, and we now know how to drive on the wrong side of the road, confidently (even on snow!).
Even though my parents were here for the first few weeks after Ava was born, the transition into parenthood was hard. I underestimated the power of family support, I didn’t know many Mums when Ava was a newborn, so it was a lonely time of utter exhaustion from sleepless nights, struggling to breastfeed, and missing family back in NZ dearly.
But guess what? It got easier.
Just when I thought the newborn phase would never end, it’s like I woke up one day, and she started crawling. Seriously, what a cliche, but so true! Time really goes by SO fast.
Ava was around 5 months old when the snow had melted, and days in Utah were becoming warmer. The newborn fog had lifted and I think the sunshine just lifted our spirits!
Thankfully, when you have kids – it’s so easy to meet people! I’ve met some of my dearest Mum friends at the playground, at the library, at church.
Even though we knew living here wasn’t ever going to be for forever, I’m glad I invested in people. I’m glad I put in the effort in pursuing people/’be my friend, please!’. Honestly, it would have been easy to keep the fact we’d be leaving soon in my mind, as a reason to hold people at arms length, but I am so glad I didn’t do that.
People here in Salt Lake City are SO friendly, SO welcoming, SO genuine. I’ve made such lovely friends to go through life with as a new Mum. I’m going to miss everyone so much! (Excuse me, while I go cry)
Living on the other side of the world has taught me so many things. It’s made me confident to embrace moving to Brisbane, pursue friendships, put myself out there, and remember my guiding quote for 2017 – ‘Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.’
Salt Lake City, it’s been fun – we arrived as a carefree married couple, we’re leaving as parents who couldn’t be happier.
PS – American friends, you better come visit us in Australia okay?! Here’s a few pictures to entice you.
PPS – I am flying back to New Zealand tomorrow with Ava, BY MYSELF. Please say a prayer for us? xx
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