‘Filling our bucket’ holiday up North!

Jan 21

‘Filling our bucket’ holiday up North!

My Journal

NZ is having an incredible hot summer! We were so fortunate to have spent over a week at the top of the North Island of New Zealand, exploring many beautiful beaches and staying at Pataua and Cable Bay.

I’ve been reading such an inspiring book (the start of my goal to read 12 books this year!) called ‘Simplify’, by Bill Hybels. In it, he talks about the need to ‘fill our buckets’ with streams of replenishment, so we can work with more energy and greater impact in the work we do.

So often, I have felt guilty for going on holiday. I run a small business, if I don’t work, who will?! But over time, I’ve discovered that taking regular time out is nothing to apologise for. I know that after a break from work, I am completely re-energised, I have more clarity about what I’m doing, I’m more inspired and excited, and I can be more creative. I love how Bill words it in the book:

“Sometimes, people derive a disproportionate amount of their self-worth from being overachievers. They keep doing and doing, thinking that what matters most is the end product, not the process. Sometimes, people feel an undercurrent of guilt for taking time to do things that fill their buckets, as if someone will judge them for having fun or for spending time doing something for themselves rather than for others. But this is backward thinking.

When your tank is empty, you have nothing to offer anyone else. You can’t give what you don’t have.

Engaging in replenishment activities is not a form of selfish entertainment; it’s vital to the end goal of living your one and only life at it’s best. Be unapologetic about it. Prioritise and protect these replenishment streams in your life. It’s YOUR responsibility to fill your bucket, to identify streams of replenishing energy that will take you to a depleted state to where your tank is filled to the brim and overflowing.”

Who doesn’t want that right? I would highly recommend this book, it contains such wise words. So, I want to share these photographs, for me as much as anything, to remind myself (especially in this busy season) that it’s okay to take time out to fill my bucket. I hope you do the same. xx

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