My beautiful girl. The last 21 months with you have been life altering in the best way. Through all of the sleepless nights, the worrying, the feelings of failure, the frustration and the tears, you have made us stronger. We know God chose us to be your parents, and that He will equip us to be all that you need.
You are adventurous, and independent. When we go to the playground, you love exploring and observing people. You love your cousins in Brisbane, and have made some lovely little friends here.
You are sweet and nurturing to your beloved dolls, Annabelle and Lucy, wrapping them up in blankets, patting them and giving them endless hugs. Your little giggle and glints in your eye are everything.
Some of your favourite phrases:
“Mummy cuddle?”
“Marlbreee bush!”
“Wucy, Annabowl, blanket!”
“Careful Daddy.”
In just a few short weeks you will become a big sister! You know that Mummy has a big tummy with baby brother inside, and I know you’re going to make a lovely sister.
You will need to learn to share Mama, and it won’t be easy all the time but I know you’re going to make us so proud.
Ava Grace, you give us so much joy. Your Daddy and I love you so much, and we’re so proud of you. You’ll always be the one who made me a Mama, and I feel so blessed and privileged to have that honour. x
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