A few weeks ago Vinny & Liz’s BEAUTIFUL wedding was featured on the Australian bridal blog, Portobello bride!You can check out the feature here.Thank you so much Kim for the feature on your gorgeous blog! I am so honoured to be part of Portobello Bride, I can’t wait to present my work at the Portobello […]
This was my first Wedding Show I have exhibited at. SO much time went into this, the planning, the designing, the printing, the proofing, the hiring, the paying… :) I went in completely not knowing what to expect. I was over the moon with how my stand looked (many a night worrying about this!) I […]
Thank you SO much to everyone who entered my ‘Win an Engagement Photo Shoot’ competition. I LOVED reading all of your extremely heartfelt stories, thank you so much for sharing them.The winners of the competition are Olivia Hartles & Stuart Buchanan with their ‘Glow’ proposal! Congratulations! Olivia & Stuart, your proposal story was unlike anything […]
I read this today…‘The world needs people who cannot be bought; whose word is their bond; who put character above wealth; who possess opinions and a will; who are larger than their vocations; who don’t hesitate to take chances; who won’t lose their individuality in a crowd; who will be as honest in small things […]
All you have to do is tell me all the juicy details of how he (or she!) popped the question by writing a comment below! Most creative proposal will win…. The winner will be chosen on the 3rd of October and will be notified by email. GOOD LUCK!! xxHere’s a little peek from Kayla & […]