I am so late at posting these! The goal for the rest of the year is definitely to blog my ‘snapshot’ posts on the 1st of the month…not when the month is half over…! I hope you had a lovely Easter break, I’m back in Melbourne (until Thursday), Sam and I had his parents come to visit from NZ so we have been on various road trips around Victoria. One of my favourite things to do is antique shopping, we went to this lovely one in the Yarra Valley. I love wondering about the history of each item, imagining what sort of past it had and where it came from. On a total contrast, we went to IKEA yesterday on the hunt for a sofa bed…I would definitely choose antiques over IKEA any day.
APRIL 2012
April will be spent mostly in NZ for me, I’ve got two more lovely weddings this month in NZ and one more in May. Last month, I blogged about exploring a Beloved style of shooting in my photography, and while I haven’t received the field guide in the post yet (hopefully it will come any day now!) I am SO SO excited to have booked a beloved shoot for Sam and I with Leah Kua. I just love Leah’s beautiful, honest photography and like anything, I always want to know what the experience feels like for myself, before I offer it to others. I was photographed by the lovely Fiona back in the early stages of starting my business, because I wanted to know what my subjects (or muses) were feeling. You can see that post here. I think it is so important to be photographed, ESPECIALLY if you are a photographer. If any photographer needs some portraits taken for their website or blog, get in touch! I’d love to help you out. Another shoot I’m excited about for this month is Lucy and Des’ Encore shoot at Whangamata beach. I love Encore photography and I haven’t done one of these shoots for a while, so I’m definitely looking forward to it! Jerry Ghionis is coming to NZ this month, I’m looking forward to going to his talk with my sister Lydia. Are any other photographers reading this going? Let me know! Have a beautiful (rest of) April everyone! xx
Okay I am behind on editing, but the goal this month is to catch up!!!
Design albums.
Get creative with my self portraits! This months photograph was taken by Sam, during a walk/explore of a park in the Yarra Valley…excuse the natural look and untamed hair!
Blog regularly.
Keep creating meaningful experiences for my couples.
Maintain an attitude of gratitude. (Sue Bryce) I highly recommend buying the Sue Bryce 3 day workshop on Creative Live, she is an INCREDIBLE person and an inspiring business women – proud she is a Kiwi too :)
Finish reading ‘Awakening the Entrepreneur within’ by Michael E. Gerber. Loving this book! Also definitely recommend reading his other book ‘The E-Myth revisited’.
Meeting with accountant, sort out financial position + goals.
Keep running every week day. I’ve just bought some new (pink!) running shoes, so this will definitely help with motivation during the colder months ahead…(for a while anyway!)
Spend time with friends and family in NZ before I leave for Melbourne.
I’ve just bought a Fujifilm Instax Camera. I love this thing! Excited to use it more.
Buy a car in Melbourne!! We are on the hunt at the moment…
Buy a new Sofa Bed for our Apartment in Melbourne (let me know if you happen to come across any antique versions!)
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