Any professional wedding photographer at the moment (in the southern hemisphere) will tell you that this is the busy season! Once you start photographing weddings every weekend, the to-do lists become longer and longer, and it’s easy to lose track of what needs to be done each day. A little while ago, I saw a post on Kiki about making a visual workflow board so I’ve made one for myself! I’m currently living at my parents house in NZ over the summer, so I have taken over their office which they don’t really use anymore luckily! I love seeing exactly what needs to be done, right in front of me. Not scribbled on endless bits of paper or hidden on my computer! There is no escaping it, which hopefully leaves less room for procrastinating…and I love the satisfaction of ticking things off!
My board isn’t very pretty, I just made it with a whiteboard. You could get a cork board, cover it with fabric and use pins as markers… My board has space for 10 clients at a time down the side, and my workflow begins with Booking Form received, right through to Album delivery, so I’ll always know where I’m at! xx

Awesome thanks for that Kate…I was just thinking that I feel slightly overwhelmed with all the bookings I have coming through too. I too, have bought some stationery from Kikki and have two planners in front of me….always good to note things down. What you have going is common sense and a great reminder to me of all the little details I cannot miss out. Thanks again…and all the best for 2012…following you :) xx
I love so much that you share what works for you, I have just invested in a Shootsac! OMG it is like heaven I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, its been such a blessing for my last two weddings. My husband and I are renovating our home – so I have been designing my office space such a neat way to track what your doing….and as your saying no room for procrastinating!!!! Thanks Kate!
LOVE this! Thanks for sharing!